Archive for February, 2013

Where is here???

It’s been so long since I’ve taken a good reflection at my life. With the Chinese new year giving me what one would call ‘some breathing space’, I had a good sit down with myself to contemplate how things have been going.  (It didn’t exactly take very long…)

And the verdict…?
Things have really been going fast at an alarming pace. People say, time really flies when you’re having fun. Whilst this may be true, I can’t say I’ve really been having too much fun. It has been interesting to say the least, but things have been difficult and crazily uncoordinated at the same time. Hah, the story to my life in a nut shell.

It feels like days, weeks, months… then a whole entire year just went ziiiip…. and then here I am. (The minutes and the hours seem slow though!) And when I watch and read the news and tabloids I see all these young achievers, typically between the ages of 16-24, achieving marvelous accomplishments and feats. I am enviously in awe. And then I take a look back at myself when I was all those ages… and I think that my heaviest problems was what I should have for lunch that day… or whether I should have made a move on that hot chick. By comparison, I know I’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere… but where?

Most people now would try and look for answers. Answers that allow them to redeem themselves and to show them the right track to walk on ahead. The funny thing is I’m pretty sure of my own answers. That is I need to be more patient; I need to be more humble; and I need to be less lazy. I can honestly say, I am all these already, but I feel that it’s still not enough. And this is where I’m losing out. It is hard. I find it hard to be more patient than I am right now. To be more humble… (this is an oxymoron in itself… lol). And to be less lazy. Saying it even though you really do mean it is still rather cheap. Which is why we all admire Nike’s ‘Just do it!’ very much.

Thinking back makes me reminiscent. I miss many of my friends which I have made back in high school and uni. I think it’s safe to assume that many of them probably don’t even remember me… except for the closer ones… but I know it’s my fault for most of them anyways. For some people, I can just click so well… and others, not so. Is there some kind of formula to be consistent? Or is it like this because of the simple fact that everyone is just different and bond with each other on different levels. Maybe I should I should stop thinking so much and… ‘just do it~

A reflection now and again isn’t bad either though… just gotta try even harder! Add oil~